PhoA Help System

Supported file formats

As was mentioned above, PhoA program works with photo album files having .phoa extension - such file holds:

  • photo album description text and settings;
  • picture list along with their descriptions;
  • folders-groups hierarchy, each holding a set of links to photo album images;
  • views' structures (PhoA version 1.0.1+).

.phoa files cannot be viewed directly and are opened only in PhoA. But starting with PhoA version 1.1.1a that is possible to create your own tools due to open PhoA file format specifications. Refer to program's home site for further information.

Current version recognises the following formats as source image files (click a plus-button to expand the details):

Standard Windows and OS/2 bitmap images (*.bmp, *.rle, *.dib)

JPEG images (*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe)

TIFF images (*.tif; *.tiff; *.dng)

GFI fax images (*.fax)

SGI images (*.bw, *.rgb, *.rgba, *.sgi)

Autodesk images files (*.cel; *.pic)

Truevision Targa images (*.tga; *.vst; *.icb; *.vda; *.win)

ZSoft Paintbrush images (*.pcx, *.pcc)

Word 5.x screen capture files (*.scr)

Kodak Photo-CD images (*.pcd)

Portable pixel/gray map images (*.ppm, *.pgm, *.pbm)

Dr. Halo images (*.cut, *.pal)

CompuServe GIF images (*.gif)

SGI Wavefront images (*.rla, *.rpf)

Photoshop images (*.psd, *.pdd)

Paint Shop Pro images (*.psp)

Portable Network Graphic images (*.png)

The powerful image format support is implemented thanks to Mike Lischke.

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